Sunday, July 30, 2006

How To Save Your Marriage

It was a bright summer Saturday, and I was in the passenger's seat of a white Ford Taurus. Like most white Ford Tauruses, this one was a piece of crap, and it was owned by my girlfriend. The air conditioning was broken, and the fan was no real substitute.

After a brief stop at a Subway Sandwich Shop in some southern suburb of Saint Paul, Steph continued to speed toward Ames, toward her friend's wedding. I buried myself in the Star Tribune's miscellany and tried to forget the heat. Three hours later, I donned my shirt and tie as we walked from the parking lot to the chapel, some Protestant thing, while Steph asked me to hurry - we were nearly late.

It was a dull affair - common among the non-Catholics, as you know - and the reception was no better. We ate the provided pork, shared a dance, and eventually made our way back home. Some distance had passed before I realized that Steph and I were not speaking. As the new driver, I used my exalted position to gain control of the Taurus' stereo, playing Bush's debut album at some volume, remembering when I was younger, when it was my soundtrack, in Nathan's basement, playing pool, hearing "Comedown" for the thousandth time.

By the time we reached the truck stop, just north of the Iowa border, Steph had reclaimed her CD player, and we were hearing the same Dar Williams songs repeatedly. Appropriately, one song was titled, "Iowa", and I knew from previous discussions that Steph loved these lines more than any:

So I asked a friend about it on a bad day, her husband had just
Left her, and she sat down in the chair he left behind
She said, "What is love, where did it get me?
Whoever thought of love is no friend of mine."

The silence broke late that night, in her third floor apartment, when I agreed with her assessment. "This isn't going to work out, is it?"

* * *

We've all been dragged to a wedding before -- has it ever been a fantastic occasion? Has it ever even been fun? Or has it always bordered on awful? It's certainly been boring. And, as illustrated in the example above, it can be acutely stressful. Now, I'm a reasonable man, and I know that not everyone's relationship will fail, as mine did, as a result of reunion attendance. But you are warned -- if you bring your husband or wife to the reunion, you're probably doomed to be divorced.

I can't stop you from bringing your spouse to the reunion -- I mean, I can... I'm a pretty strong dude with a nasty temper that likes to throw his weight around... but I probably won't. All I can say is that spouses (sans those now named Iseman, Patterson, Provines, Thome, et al) are very, very strongly discouraged. Please note that you will be bringing this spouse to an event where:

A.> They have to shake hands with people they don't give a shit about

B.> They have to seem interested in your/our boring high school stories

C.> Unlike a good wedding, they won't have an open bar to keep them company

D.> Their very presence will make some people uncomfortable, namely:
1.> The spouse
2.> You, trying to make sure they're having fun
3.> The Rest of Us, half-heartedly trying to keep them involved in conversation

E.> Good manners dictate that, while the spouse is around, we shouldn't talk about all the people you nailed back in high school. And everyone knows what good manners are spread throughout the class of 1997.

I support the idea of Spousal Saturday. I ask my friend Millie to make arrangements to tour BC on Saturday afternoon or evening -- nothing too early in the day, as we'll need some time to recover from the previous night.

Further plans outside of the Friday night reunion and the Saturday walking tour of BC will be done by someone other than myself (and Millie). If somebody decides to gather spouses and kids to go fly kites or attend Mass or play charades or talk about childbirth or watch Baby Einstein videos, let me know, and I'll post the details on this website.

* * *

I have yet to decide about the location of the reunion - I'm still weighing some pros and cons. We'll talk about that later.


Anonymous said...

As an alum who recently was directed to check out this site, I see so much sarcasm and negativity weighing down on an event that is well over a year away.
So much focus is being placed on hoping that everyone has a grand ol' time. Its going to be completely first. Then it won't matter whether you bring your spouse or your little ankle-biters and unleash them onto others while you laugh like a red-neck. You find(hopefully) that you've grown a little in the last decade. Find comfort in old friends that you haven't seen since graduation night and in old stories that you would have preferred not hearing again.

I recently attended my wife's reunion this last Sept(yes, she is two years older) and walked in as the outsider. I could immediately tell who was the former jock with his receded hair line and a gut that wanted to burst out of his shirt. That was a singular event because the majority of people were adults who found much joy in seeing old friends even some enemies as my wife recounted later.

I even ran into a number of acquaintances from college I did not expect to see there.

Hopefully we can all put aside our little insecurities and relax. Planning this event I am sure will be a bear of a task for Dan and Millie. I am sure you guys will do a great job at it.

That's right. I'm an anonymous. I was pretty short in high school.

Anonymous said...

I agree, anonymous, that the sarcasm and negativity should take a back seat to the task at hand: making it possible to get together with old friends and catch up on events of the last 10 years, that just might include a spouse or child. I honestly ccan't see that being such a barrier that all can't have a good time, if they truly want to.

Anonymous said...

Hey all! I agree with Dan. Leave the spouses at home. I love mine dearly but seriously doubt that he would have a good time there. Hell I don't even know if I'll have a good time, but why should two of us suffer right? Just kidding Dan - I'm sure it will be great. Also, why would you want to bring your kids to your high school reuinion? Again, love Chesley dearly but I would like a night off so I can actually have an adult conversation with my friends instead of chasing her around! Just a thought. Anyway - keep me posted!

Anonymous said...

I hope that I am speaking for those of us who have grown up and love our spouses and make our children a priority. I recognize that not everyone is married, but please be respectful to those of us who are. I also realize that not everyone has children. Why don't we have a picnic one afternoon for those who would like to see other's families.

When you start putting restrictions on who can and can't come to our reunion, it becomes a cliquish event that people want to avoid. And, surely, we've all grown up a little since high school, haven't we?

Dan, you seem to be wanting to make this as cheap as you possibly can. Don't you have a budget? Do you need help brainstorming for how to come up with money?

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of moving past giving people unsolicited advice on whether they should bring their spouses, and moving towards ideas on fundraising. Something a bit more positive.

I can appreciate the desire to make this as inexpensive as possible, and I sincerely doubt that anyone wants to put on a "fundraiser"....but I could be wrong.

Would it be out of line to ask each alum to donate a small amount that could be used towards expenses? I know that not everyone would participate, but it might give us a jumping off point.

And before anyone gets bent out of shape about this, I am just BRAINSTORMING!

Anonymous said...

1. We cannot and will not (Dan, I'm speaking for both of us here) forbid spouses and/or children from coming. It will be a personal decision. I love my husband and son very much, but I will probably attend without them. That is my choice, and I do not ask anyone else to be forced into that choice.

2. Yes, cheap is a focus of this reunion. I feel (again, my personal choice) a reunion should allow as much time as possible for catching up. I don't want to worry about arranging a band, booking 5 places, arranging for a banquet, etc. to the extent that I can't enjoy seeing people that, in some cases I haven't seen for 10 years. And that I would like to see! Thus, yes, Michelle, at some point I think we will need to ask for $10 or whatever from people who want to attend...whenever we figure out what exactly we're asking them to attend.

3. Brainstorming on the internet is good, but a little limited. May I suggest an in-person brainstorming session, perhaps this Friday after Thanksgiving, at my house in Wichita? Anyone is welcome to attend or send in their comments to be shared with the group, and perhaps we could sit down and divvy up duties and decide exactly what we want to do.

4. I'm really excited about this reunion. I saw Frank Tra last weekend, and just sharing news of what we knew about people at that point was a lot of fun. I hope that as many people as possible will be able to attend.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I forgot to say that I really like Baby Einstein videos and would love to share childbirth stories at some point...I think a Saturday morning thing in the basement of SFA might be really fun for that.

Anonymous said...

So I've got nothing substantive to add to the discussion, merely indulging the urge to engage. If you're concerned about the negativity of the post, don't be; put on your blinders and focus on listening to "Comedown," playing pool in Nathan's basement. That's a fertile image of a simpler time. Maybe you never played pool in Nathan's basement, but I'm sure everyone's got something in their memory like that.

And Millie and Frank Tra catching up? I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't want to miss that one again.

Not being a breeder myself, I have to ask: what's a baby einstein video? I'm sure given five minutes and a search engine, I could figure it out, but I'd much rather have it explained to me.

And Millie, you're very generous to offer an open invitation to people you haven't seen in nearly a decade. If I'm in Wichita this Thanksgiving, I'll be there.

Please don't rescind your kind invitation on those grounds.

Anonymous said...

The one thing I find more surprising than Rob Hein being alive is that I know of Baby Einstein..also known as Baby Satan Brainwasher. I plan on proving that those videos taught my daughter how to use a lighter.

In other words, I think you'd love the videos Rob.

I'd also enjoy sharing childbirth stories as well. I'll start now:

They mainly revolve around my wife biting my collarbone so's I'd feel a fraction of the pain she was going through. must have been considerable.

So here I sit listening to "When We Were Young" by the Killers getting all nostalgic. Wondering how everyone's doing these days. Hoping that our reunion does not go down like the one in Grosse Point Blank.

If it does, Rob can be Cusack. I'll be Pivan. Millie can be Driver. Dan can play the Russian Assassin.


dn said...

"a fertile image of a simpler time." Now that's good stuff. Well done, Mr. Hein. And don't think I've forgotten the pool table in your basement, lining up the eight ball while Pearl Jam performed three (3!) songs on Saturday Night Live.

Millie makes a mean holiday sampler. Highly recommended.

Anonymous said...

You make a crappy robot.

dn said...

Damn, Frank - I was angling for Joan Cusack's role.

Anonymous said...

First off, I think you make a mighty fine robot/personal pc. To be fair, we may have to draw names.
As much fun as seeing your best Cusack would be, she never actually shows at the reunion. Play your cards right and you could be the Russian Assassin rolled up in a banner...that ends up thrown in a furnace.


correction: the Killers song is actually titled "When You Were Young". I apologize to everyone who tried to Google this mighty fine song.

Anonymous said...

Dan, you old goat! Frank, old bean! No, of course I'm not dead! Goodness knows I'd have doubtless made the rounds to haunt your place for a bit by now if that was the case. I don't know if you recall, Frank, but your recent piece of graphic literature jogged a memory in my head; you still owe me a date to Saving Private Ryan from eight years back after Chip McDonald's wedding. Don't think there won't be compounded interest; I'm just not sure what form it'll take. Incidentally, I'd love to chat you up a bit about the aforementioned piece; shoot me an email at if you're up for it. Anyone else who wants to harass me is welcome to as well.

Gross Pointe Blank, huh? I'd thought this would be a bit tamer, but I'm up for whatever. Given my druthers, though, I'd rather not see anyone rolled up in a banner and tossed in a furnace. Besides, we may want to be a bit more circumspect than to donate money to BC earmarked for the installation of a human-sized furnace.

Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I would be more than happy to volunteer myself to plan out an "adult" evening on that Friday. Personally, I would like to see dinner, dancing, and an open at a hotel. In past reunion-esque events that I've been to, couples pay the cost of the meal and dj. I would LOVE to be able to help with the planning, as events and fundraising it my fortay. Please feel free to email at or call my home at 316-264-0979. Seriosly, planning events is what I do for a living, so I'm more than happy to assist. After all, it is ten years since we've seen everyone and it is an entire year and then some to plan.

Angie (Zimmerman) Taylor

Anonymous said...

whoops...mispelled forte (aka: strong point)


Anonymous said...

dj and dancing without our spouses? Alcohol? Hotel? I don't think my spouse will let me go let alone allow me to spend money on such an event.

there will be alcohol, right?

Anonymous said...

So what's everyone been up to?

Anonymous said...

I can't seem to understand the thought process behind having a reunion around a holiday just simply because it is convenient for a few. God forbid some people have moved on from Wichita. During the school year is dificult even for those without children, let alone a "breeder" like myself. Isn't Thanksgiving one of the more expensive times to travel? I thought you were trying to do it on the cheap? I work retail and I don't know how many others may share my sentiments, but there is not a way to get back up there anywhere close to Thanksgiving, a small price to pay for what I am able to provide for my family. A few others know how negative and sarcastic I can be as well, but Google isn't able to translate sarcasm yet, so let's just be honest. But I'm sure Bill Gates is working on something to drum up a few more billions. My email is Niki, Bellis and myself are down here near Dallas, Texas, but will be back in Wichita in a few weeks on vacation if anyone is wondering what's up.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the angry breeder. I think that the date was changed far too hastily. So you didn't like football games. So you want to drink. Everyone ends up at Players anyway. I need to reiterate the previous "grow up" statement.
I would not be able to attend on Thanksgiving weekend. Family obligations out of town. My wife was previously excited to meet my old friends from high school but now she sees it as uninviting and not worth her time. So we'll probably go to the football game with a group of old friends and their families like we saw during last year's game.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Keith's comments.

What I do not understand was the second half of his paragraph about Google and Bill Gates.

Anonymous said...

There is no way to find a date or even a time of year that will work for everyone. I say we stick with the original decision.

Anonymous said...

And whose decision was that? Was it a majority issue? Was it for the benefit of everyone or the comfort of a few? I don't have internet. Tonight was my first time on here. Like Keith, I also live in Texas and do not see myself making the reunion. I will be home seeing family.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I want to have it around football season.

Anonymous said...

The decision of the date was made by Dan Neises after consultation with people on the blogsite.

I would like to reiterate the request made earlier that people leave their name in some fashion (even at the end of your comments) so that it's easier to see how many different people share this opinion.

The date, at this point, has been turned in to Karen Gomez, but that does not mean it is set in stone. If the reunion is not in November, what are some concrete dates for other times to have it?

Dan, are you ever going to post again?

Anonymous said...

Homecoming weekend.

Anonymous said...

Homecoming weekend.

Angie Taylor

Anonymous said...

Homecoming weekend.

Frank Tra

Anonymous said...

Is there any way to set up voting on this thing? I'm afraid that if we don't embrace democracy among ourselves, in two years there's going to be a raging insurgency on this blog and some marines will find a bearded Dan hiding in a "spider hole."

It's starting to sound like Democracy or regime change, Dan.