Thursday, March 01, 2007

You Have Options

Wow! Wasn't it nice to take a break? Wasn't it soooo nice? And wasn't 30 Rock sooo funny tonight? Can you believe that they made an MC Skat Kat joke? LOL, guys! Right? That was soooo LOL!



You might have noticed Michelle's comment about Players Sports Bar and/or Grill; reserving the establishment will require a deposit of $250. Further, our group will be obligated to spend an additional $800 on food and/or drinks. Further, they're adding gratuities to our checks, so there's no chance we can stiff the help.


The thing is...

Does that sound kind of ridiculous to anyone else? I mean, like, it's Players, you know? Players is good and all, but is it worth being on the line for a thousand clams? Methinks Players doth protest charge too much.


I called up an old pal from the Class of '98 (Losers! Am I right, folks? Those guys couldn't win a spirit stick if their lives depended on it! Am I right?!). His name rhymes with Mack Smuhkruckers. Anywho, he's down with Oscar's Sports Bar, which is the bar inside the downtown Warren Theater.

Smuhkruckers says that we can get a portion of that place reserved. (We'd be separated from the commoners by a classy velvet rope!) We can eat there. We can drink there.

Best of all, there would be no additional costs. No deposit. No $800 minimum.


I'm asking.

Can we dump Players and move the party to Old Town?