Sunday, September 24, 2006

Spread The Good Word

The latest issue of the Aquila has been published (see the link in the right sidebar). You may have noticed that our 10-year reunion announcement is in there.

You also may have noticed that the web address to this blog is not mentioned in the Aquila. The decision to not mention the website was made by Mrs. Gomez, after BC received "three or four" complaints about certain words and phrases used on 97kix.

This is a disappointing development, as it will now be more difficult for fellow class members to find the website. Because the Aquila will no longer publish the site's address, and because no invitations will be mailed for the reunion, please take a moment to forward the 97kix web address to all interested parties.


Anonymous said...

And why is it that no invitations will be mailed?

Anonymous said...

Mailed invitations? What the hell is the internet for???

Anonymous said...

I hear its for porn. We should have mailed invitations.

We should also have it on Homecoming Weekend.

Anonymous said...

Just got back from Homecoming at BC. The class of '96 were there with their families. Some kids even. No one was ashamed. Everyone was having a good time. Now I know Dan didn't have fun at the games and is having bad luck with girls but why are we not having the reunion on homecoming weekend? A weekend intended for the reunion? I see the move to after Thanksgiving as ridiculous, selfish, and not in the best interest of the class. Do we have options? Is there any way to have a traditional homecoming?

Anonymous said...

The game was fun last night. It had a very fun atmosphere to it. For the drinkers out there. There were those(some spouses as well)that were drunk when they got there.

Anonymous said...

I have to get drunk to be around you people.

Anonymous said...

If you want to have a "traditional" reunion, no one is stopping you from planning one of your own -- you can even mail out invitations if you want. The reunion isn't on Thanksgiving weekend b/c Dan is selfish (nice logic, by the way), it's on that weekend b/c we had a vote and Homecoming weekend came out on the losing end. And, the option of a holiday weekend was given b/c it might be the most accessible date for the greatest number of people. (Totally selfish, I agree.) It turns out, the vote proved that theory right. Why should the date be changed to accommodate the minority? Did we lose a war? That's not America! That's not even Mexico! If we change the date now, the terrorists have already won.

Anonymous said...

From the amount of people dissatisfied with the Thanksgiving date, it may be smart to consider that the majority has slowly trickled onto the site and voiced their(anonymous)opinion.
I think I saw around ten votes for the Thanksgiving date and over twice that many for Homecoming weekend.

So what do we do now? Keep anonymously making fun of each other? Have an anti-reunion on the actual Homecoming weekend? I'm having Veronica Mars "anti-prom on prom-night" flashbacks here.

Let's hear from the master(bator) of cermonies here. Dan?

Anonymous said...

How many people voted, just curious

Anonymous said...

Impossible to tell how many people voted, since a single person can vote anonymously an unlimited number of times. OR, could even use other classmates names fraudulently.

Anonymous said...

There's that angry voice again.
Has anyone claimed that their identity has been stolen?
OK, how about we give people the benefit of the doubt and say that there could possibly be the same number of people who voiced that they want the reunion on Homecoming weekend. This would take away the possibility of someone doubling up votes. Would it not be a good idea to entertain the idea of having it on Homecoming weekend? Would it hurt anyone's pride?

And after the comments made to Shawn and a then anonymous(by Shawn in a funny turn)I can understand a person's need for privacy.

Anonymous said...

For the record, I have never made an anonymous comment on this blog. Which anonymous comment are you attributing to me?

Anonymous said...

Well, I attended the class of 96 reunion last night and it was nice to see everyone from the class ahead of us. They had several events that I thought worked well (but then again, it's only my crazy opinion)-
1. A picnic lunch at a park for anyone who wanted to bring their family to an event
2. A tour of BCCHS at 3pm
3. Mass at St. Francis at 5pm
4. A reception in Cana hall at St. Francis with drinks and a nice dinner. (Spouses were allowed, children were not - well they did make one exception)
The reunion was simple, cheap and allowed everyone to catch up with each other. They also did e-invitations and schedules for the reunion which seemed to work out fine.

Anonymous said...

I have an idea:

3 invitations, costumes manadatory (or not). Have two of them on the same weekend, and one in the middle of the week.