Monday, November 27, 2006

Reunion Weekend

Millie's meeting produced a bit of an agenda:

Friday night: "The Reunion"

--location still to be determined
--at a church hall or a bar, if there's a bar large enough to hold us
--state your preference in the comments
--please be specific

Saturday morning-afternoon: "Family Time"

--location and event to be determined
--input needed
--form a committee in the comments

Saturday afternoon: "Tour B.C."

--Mrs. Gomez will lead a tour around 3 p.m.

Saturday evening: "Mass"

--at St. Francis, or
--at Schulte, where Fr. Orr is currrently stationed

Saturday night: "To Be Determined"

--Dinner? A night out on the town? Something formal?
--form a committee in the comments


Anonymous said...

Maybe Players for Friday night?

Anonymous said...

My house is open and I have a pool table with lots of room.

Anonymous said...

We did talk about the Players thing...Class of 95, apparently, used it and had a good time.

Stephanie said...

Fraternal Order of Eagles Lodge is still open, too. We have room for 235 people in the back. 2 pool tables, darts, kitchen, stage & dance floor. Since I'm a member, it would be CHEAP to rent the hall. We have some of the lowest prices in town on alcohol, and there is a possibility of renting a keg. If committee members need any further info, you can contact me at

Anonymous said...

No offense to Trish or Stephanie intended, but I personally like the Players idea. I think that it is a recognizable place for people (i.e. easy to find) and could serve our purpose well. I'll look into it just to get a ballpark on prices, etc.


Anonymous said...

Players works for me. I'm not even sure I'll be in Wichita this time next year.

Jill said...

I checked into a Sedgwick County Park Shelter house for the family day possibly Saturday morning w/ pot luck. It's $150 for the whole day of course, but it has a fireplace, kitchen, tables etc... so it could work if we have nice weather, or not. You can look it up yourself at the Sedgwick County Park Website for Shelter rentals. Also, for a formal night, St. Vincent De Paul has a very nice hall for special events and I heard they cater and clean it all for very cheap, like $2 a person. I'll try to check more into it, don't quote me on anything yet. Amanda Guthrie (Erwin) was a major part of the group who painted all the murals for it. Anyway, just more suggestions to offer. All the other ideas sound fine.