Saturday, January 10, 2015

Better Know A Classmate: Dana

It's been over a year since I've interviewed a classmate. Today I saw a huge opportunity to interview Dana, who currently has a lot of time on her hands. So think of this as Misery, with me as Kathy Bates and her as James Caan.

I have a long-standing policy not to ask people about broken arms and whatnot because the story is never as fascinating as you’d hope. It’s never, “A brawl broke out while I was in line at the Post Office! You should see the other guy!”. It’s usually just a slip on some ice or something like that. But I will break this personal policy and ask what happened here:

It was the semi-annual shoe sale at Nordstrom's and I spotted a pair of Jimmy Choo's I had to have. I dove for them at the same time as another lady. I pulled a ninja move over the seating area and landed on my back. Good news is, I got the shoes.

That would've been a way better story that the truth. I have degenerative disc disease. It's hereditary. My mom and 3 of her siblings and my sister all had herniated disc surgery in their 30's. My pain started in 2012 and we've been managing it through noninvasive techniques until now. My L5 S1 disc and cartilage had completely worn away. So it was live with this or have surgery. They put in a spacer with my stem cells and cadaver bone. Screwed it in place and eventually the vertebrae will fuse together.

Are you having a blast telling everyone the same story over and over again about this?

It's my new all time favorite thing to do. Especially since i get to wear a back brace for 3 months (on the outside of my clothes).

You’ve got this Benzac stuff that has sandalwood oil in it, and every time I see sandalwood mentioned my mind goes to the one and only Lisa Loeb:

“Your skin smells lovely like sandalwood.” I guess that’s not a question, but, uh, your thoughts? Have you contacted Mrs. Loeb about a product endorsement? I think she’s from Dallas!

Huh, did not know Lisa Loeb was from Dallas, nor did I know she has a thing for sandalwood oil...

You seem to have hit the ol’ passport pretty hard in the past few years. What’s your favorite foreign country experience?

Traveling is my all time fave thing to do. It's hard to pick one experience. Accidentally ended up in a brothel in London, Hung out with MMA fighters and the Jonas Brothers in Rio (different nights), everything about New Zealand is amazing (Queenstown is my fave), Greece has the most beautiful people on the planet. 
The Jonas Brothers, who are no longer a band, but who Dana loves anyway, forever.
The beauties of Greece

You worked with a girlfriend of mine back at K-State. What was that job? Did you two pretty much spend your days talking about me?

We were career counselors helping lost students figure out what to major in. Looking back, they probably should not have let a couple of 20 years olds have that kind of power, but whatever:). Yes, we spoke about you non-stop. I made up embarrassing stories about you but she liked you anyway;)

What is your favorite word?


What is your least favorite word?


What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?

seeing the world to gain a new perspective and realize how small we really are. There's a grand awe in that

What turns you off?

We've always done it this way. And condescension

What is your favorite curse word?


What sound or noise do you love? (NOTE: You are not allowed to say “my child’s laughter”.)

that would be weird since I don't have a child. Fave sound, theme song to Indiana Jones

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?


What profession would you NOT like to attempt?

Circus performer

What was your favorite class at BC?

French. We did absolutely nothing and I still managed to learn enough to study abroad in France for a semester

How do you feel about getting older, fellow thirty-something?

Age is just a number. I feel youthful so that's what matters. Plus people ways think I'm younger than I am. I like being in my 30's. I know who I am, where I want to go, and who I want to be. And I'm not afraid of the work I need to do on myself. 

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